Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Okay. I guess I'm old. Not the best way to start my 2nd blog entry, but I guess it's true. Now, I am fond of cell phones: they definitely have their uses. In fact, I use mine all the time. I'm very thankful for it. HOWEVER, what's with people using them EVERYWHERE? Today, I was at the mall Christmas shopping. And one of my pet peeves (and my students already know this) is women (and men--I guess--I've just not been in the men's room--ever) who talk on their cell phones IN THE BATHROOM. What's up with that? And it's not that they're talking while they're washing their hands or fixing their hair or putting on makeup. No. They're talking WHILE THEY ARE IN THE STALLS. And they're not talking about some emergency situation. They aren't even calling about running out of toilet paper. They're talking about the stupidest things. They can't wait until they're finished? I am more than annoyed by this behavior. I don't know the word for it right now--but annoyed is too calm. So, obviously, today, I observed this behavior. And I ran from stall to stall (the unoccupied ones, of course) and flushed every toilet I could--just to be annoying as well.

But that's not all! I was in a store looking at slippers for Mom, and here comes this lady--on her cell phone. (And, of course, these conversations are for everyone to hear.) So, she says, "I didn't call you last night because I didn't know how to tell you, but have you heard about Grandma?" Time passes. The lady says, "Well, she's not doing too well. In fact, she died last night. Oh, wait, I have another call." AND SHE PUTS THE PERSON ON HOLD TO TAKE A DIFFERENT CALL--from someone who wanted to know what's for dinner. Am I wrong to be astonished at this behavior? I had to leave that department. I was so angry.

THEN, I went to the children's section--looking for Curious George clothing for my niece (who is wild about him!). There's this girl--oh, at least mid-20's I'd say--talking on her cell phone. She says, "Did you make out with him AGAIN? I can't believe you!" Giggle, giggle, giggle. She continues (after a moment), "You swore you'd never do that again! Was his mom around, too?" Ack. Ack. I had to run away. Well, actually, I got on MY cell phone and called my mom--and told her how disgusted I was with everyone around me, everyone in SC, everyone period.

I am probably overreacting. But I don't care. It's genuinely how I felt today. Now that I'm home and can't hear anyone else's cell phone conversations, I feel fine. (Plus, Elf is on again. I can't tell you how much this movie makes me laugh. "Smiling's my favorite." I love Buddy the Elf.)

I hope you all are well--and enjoying your cell phone conversations--and everyone else's around you. :-)

Friday, December 8, 2006

Graduation/Christmas Break!

Here I am, new to blogging. (Actually, new to the idea of using blog as a verb, to be frank) I thought I would give it a try--now that we've had graduation: papers are evaluated; scores are calculated; grades are submitted. It's time for a change. So, I'll give this blog idea a try. (Look--blog as an adjective) Many, many of my students record most (if not all) of their feelings on the Internet in their blogs (now as a noun); in fact, some of them direct me to their blogs (even when they've used their blog as a place to vent their frustration with school--or even with my class specifically). It seems incredibly odd to me.

Well, let's leave it at that. I'll try again later. We'll see if I keep it up.